Java Program which Required for Testing Engineer
----------JAVA Program starts here:------------- WAP to reverse a String without using inbuilt function. WAP to reverse a String using inbuilt function. WAP to reverse words at ODD place in a sentence. WAP to check prime number (1-100) WAP to check the ARMSTRONG number. WAP to check the Fibonacci Series. A. WAP to print using DUPLICATES using HashMap & Duplicates Word (Using ForEach loop) WAP to do sorting of ARRAY USING for loop & Descending order The only Odd & Only Even WAP for GETTER & SETTER method. WAP to generate pattern. Pattern Problem- Star at ODD place Pattern Problem- Triangle Pattern Problem- Reverse Triangle Pattern Problem - Pyramid WAP to prog to swap to Strings w/o using third variable. Singleton class example using getInstance() Program to return Min & Max Value from the Array ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. WAP to reverse ...