
Showing posts from January, 2021

Java Program which Required for Testing Engineer

----------JAVA Program starts here:------------- WAP to reverse a String without using inbuilt function. WAP  to reverse a String using inbuilt function. WAP to reverse words at ODD place in a sentence. WAP to check prime number (1-100) WAP to check the ARMSTRONG number. WAP to check the Fibonacci Series. A. WAP to print using DUPLICATES using HashMap   &   Duplicates Word (Using ForEach loop) WAP to do sorting of ARRAY USING for loop   &  Descending order The only Odd & Only Even WAP for GETTER & SETTER method. WAP to generate pattern. Pattern Problem- Star at ODD place  Pattern Problem- Triangle Pattern Problem- Reverse Triangle Pattern Problem - Pyramid WAP to prog to swap to Strings w/o using third variable. Singleton class example using getInstance() Program to return Min & Max Value from the Array  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. WAP to reverse a String without using inbuilt function. :      


Are Getting issue in config Maven on window: To download Maven :  1. Go to the maven download: Go to dropdown- select mirror Select the respective file to download wrt your machine like : I am doing from windows: Once the zip file download extract to the folder: Go to View Advance system settings -> Environment Variable :  Go to users variable -> New - >  Enter variable name = M2_Home  and variable value = C:\Users\Downloads\apache-maven-3.6.3-bin (1)\apache-maven-3.6.3 Click OK Again Click New Enter variable name = M2    and variable value =  %M2_Home%\bin Click OK Again Click on New Enter variable name = path    and variable value =  %M2% Click OK Now go command prompt To Check maven version : C:\User\Desktop>  mvn --version        or        mvn -v ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here I am showing you how to creat your own MAVEN Tree/project: In this, the files/ma

TestNG Tutorial

 Introduction to TestNG: In Automation testing for Java Selenium tool, the TestNG is a framework that is based on Junit. Since Selenium doesn't have many features that made a tester work easier that will be covered by TestNg such as easy execution of automation scripts, end-to-end testing, generates logs, read data from xml file,  parallel execution of test cases, parametrization and reporting tools. The following flow chart helps you to get an idea of how TestNG works. TestNG annotation: To remember:       SUITE ka TEST kiya CLASS METHOD ka hi TEST kiya --------------------------------------------------------------- Paramterization using  :  1. Parametrization using (@Parameter inside TestNG .xml) 2. DataProvider  (@dataProvider) --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Using @Parameter:     Let see how to enter @ Paratemer  inside the test script: Check using the first program, down here : import org.testng.annotations.Paramters; import org.testng.a

Selenium Basics

 This is update soon by the end of January 2021 Last update 26 Jan 2021