
Showing posts from January, 2022

Manual Testing Questions

1.a cyclic machine having reparative cycle ..what will be the approach for testing 2.what is regression and impact testing 3.what is STLC 4.what is API 5.what tools used for api testing 6.diff b/w http and HTTPS 7.diff b/w Authorization and authentication 8.what is json 9.diff b/w overloading and overriding 10.diff b/w load , volume and stress testing 11.what is object 12.what is system testing 13.can we create object of abstract class 14.can we create object in interface 15.diff b/w abract and interface 16.base class of exception 17.what is base class of collection 18.what is data hidding 19.diff b/w hashmap and treemap 20.what you will check while doing api testing