
Showing posts from August, 2023

GIT Concepts

  Collaboration Workflow: Clone a repository. Create a branch for your work. Make changes, commit them. Push your branch to the remote repository. Create a pull request (PR) for code review. Review, discuss, and make necessary changes. Merge the PR into the main branch. Git is a popular distributed version control system used for tracking changes in source code during software development. It's an essential tool for collaboration and managing code repositories. This tutorial will cover the basics of Git, from installation to common commands and workflows. Table of Contents: • Installation          • Configuration • Basic Git Commands • git init • git clone • git add • git commit • git status • Branching and Merging • git branch • git checkout • git merge • Remote Repositories • git remote • git fetch • git pull • git push           • Gitignore • Undoing Changes • git reset • git revert • Git History