Heleanium - Web without using Docker

 Heleanium - Web without using Docker

Official Heleanium Website: https://healenium.io/docs/overview
Youtube Video Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF2gM16TnJg

1. We need install first :
 Java 11+ , Python ( 3.12.0 )& 
PostgreSQL ( prefer to use latest 16 version )

2. Once PostgersSQL installed ( make sure during installation whatever you put the password for the same you remember / noted down, need this is in 3rd step), open SQL Shell ( psql ) from the applications, as shown below:

3. Once you open the Shell , hit ENTER till Username & provide same Password as in the step 2. 

4. Now , feed one by one on the above terminal, this will create the DB ,  User & Schema for you:
4.1 : CREATE DATABASE healenium;      4.2 : CREATE USER healenium_user WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'YDk2nmNs4s9aCP6K';      4.3 : GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE healenium TO healenium_user;      4.4 : ALTER USER healenium_user WITH SUPERUSER;      4.5 : \c healenium healenium_user;      4.6 : CREATE SCHEMA healenium AUTHORIZATION healenium_user;      4.7 : GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA healenium TO healenium_user; and keep hit the ENTER after Each line you will get the O/p like below:

5. Now install Heleanium-Web : From the official document page by hitting download link https://healenium.io/docs/download_and_install/hlm_web or use direct link : https://github.com/healenium/healenium/releases/download/1.4.0/healenium-1.4.0.zip

6. Now Go to directory  /shell-installation/web, where the above Heleanium zip extracted.

     6. 1 Download Healenium components. Run download_services.sh 
             If you are using Windows use cmd and use : run download_services.sh 
             or direct hit on the download_services.sh file.

             And on MacOX use new Terminal navigate to the respective directory & 
type : chmod +x <and compete shell-installation/web PWD )
on the next line type : sh download_services.sh

    6.2 Run start_healenium.sh
       use the above Windows suggestion for Win
       and on Mac use sh start_healenium.sh

7. Now check are you able to see healenium report or not at local host : 7878

8. Now lets create a Maven Project use the latest Healenium-Web dependencies and use the below syntax to trigger the script.



import com.epam.healenium.SelfHealingDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;

public class HeleaniumTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {

WebDriver delegate = new ChromeDriver();
//create Self-healing driver
SelfHealingDriver driver = SelfHealingDriver.create(delegate);

You can refer my youtube demo for same for any clarification enjoy, happy learning



  1. Facing below issue when I try to run my code
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'java.util.function.Supplier org.openqa.selenium.remote.http.HttpResponse.getContent()'
    at com.epam.healenium.client.RestClient.getElements(RestClient.java:141)
    at com.epam.healenium.SelfHealingEngine.loadStoredSelectors(SelfHealingEngine.java:169)
    at com.epam.healenium.SelfHealingDriver.callInitActions(SelfHealingDriver.java:65)
    at com.epam.healenium.SelfHealingDriver.create(SelfHealingDriver.java:42)
    at Test.main(Test.java:9)

    Process finished with exit code 1

    and in RestClient.Java log is not declared (line 82) and line 92 to be surrounded with Try and catch


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