
Showing posts from February, 2021

How to start / create a fresh JAVA Project into Eclipse IDE:

  How to start / create a fresh JAVA Project into Eclipse IDE:  Click on Create New Java Project on Eclipse IDE: Enter Project Name CLick Next: you can find Java Src Tree structure Click FINISH Do right click on Java New Project -> Create a class Create a Java file : src-newProject-  (camelCase) Click Finish, you will find the Java class page: To enter the program

Performance Testing- Using JMeter

 J Meter 1. Download JMETER form apache jmeter 2. extract - open bin either run from jar or batch file. --------Start First Project------ 3. Create a Test Plan 4. Create a Thread Group(users) 5. Add a sampler (Http) 6. Add Listeners 7. To Run the Test -------Assertion----------------- 8.Response Assertion, Duration Assertion , Size Assertion , HTML Assertion , XML Assertion (To Check format) , Xpath Assertion (To check xpath on webpage). -------Type of report in JMeter-- 9. View reult in Table. 10. View result in tree. 11. Aggregate Report. 12. Graph results. 13. Summary Report 14. Simple Data Writer --------Tools available for recording JMtere----- 15. Blazemeter chrome plugin 16. Record the steps. 17. export as .jmx file 18. Import into JMeter 19. Add listners 20. Run and validate  ------------------------------------

Java Basics Interview Perspective

Basic concepts: 1. Interface 2. Java String Concepts  3. Difference between StringBuffer & StringBuilder 4. Immutable Concept -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  1. Interface : The Interface = 100% ABSTRACTION method Methods are : public & abstract (BY DEFAULT) Variable : public , static & final (BY DEFAULT) And class implements multiple INTERFACE and MUST NEED TO define (implement) methods inside the class otherwise we get " COMPILE TIME ERROR "  2. SUPER Keyword (Super() ) The use of the SUPER keyword is to invoke the constructor of the parent class.  So as in the down example, the Object created for the SubClass itself will FIRST  invoke parent class NO ARG CONSTRUCTOR " SuperConst() " and then Child Constructor. public class SuperConst { SuperConst(){ System.out.println("The parent class constructor with No Args"); } SuperConst(String str){ System.out.println("The parent cl...