Performance Testing- Using JMeter

 J Meter

1. Download JMETER form apache jmeter

2. extract - open bin either run from jar or batch file.

--------Start First Project------

3. Create a Test Plan

4. Create a Thread Group(users)

5. Add a sampler (Http)

6. Add Listeners

7. To Run the Test


8.Response Assertion, Duration Assertion , Size Assertion , HTML Assertion , XML Assertion (To Check format) , Xpath Assertion (To check xpath on webpage).

-------Type of report in JMeter--

9. View reult in Table.

10. View result in tree.

11. Aggregate Report.

12. Graph results.

13. Summary Report

14. Simple Data Writer

--------Tools available for recording JMtere-----

15. Blazemeter chrome plugin

16. Record the steps.

17. export as .jmx file

18. Import into JMeter

19. Add listners

20. Run and validate 



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