JDK - COnfig

Jfrog - + Local repo - Select MAVEN - Repository Key ( from POM.xml <repostory>.<name> )



During cicd pipeline:



Setup  -  Compile  -   StaticAnalysis  -  UnitTest  -  CodeCoverage  -  War        -  ToArtifactary  -  SmokeTest

Mvn config:

Clean  -  compile  -    sonar:sonar     -  test          -  jacoco:report    -  war:war -  deploy  


  1.  target/sure-fire/*.xml
  2. Publish Jacoco coverage report + target/.../coverage.xml
  3. Deploy war/ear to the server -  */*.war  ,  /, AddContainer- TOMCAT9
  1. Setup -

build-3, Days-2,PollSCM- H/2 * * * *, Git/MavenProject details (from INDEX Page .git ) + check Branch, Delete,

(pre build) InvokeTopLevel-MyMaven, clean,

(post Build)-Achieve-**/*, next - Compile


  1. Compile -

build-3, Days-2,Delete

(pre build) Prev-Setup  **/*, InvokeTopLevel-MyMaven- compile,

(post Build)-Achieve-**/*, next - StaticAnalysis


  1. StaticAnalysis

build-3, Days-2,Delete

(pre build) Prev-Compile**/* , InvokeTopLevel-MyMaven - sonar:sonar,

(post Build)-Achieve-**/*, next - UnitTest


  1. UnitTest-

build-3, Days-2, Delete

(pre build) Prev-StaticAnalysis **/* ,InvokeTopLevel-MyMaven - test,

(post Build)-Achieve-**/*, next - CodeCoverage, Publish Junit report + target/sure-fire/*.xml


  1. CodeCoverage-

build-3, Days-2, Delete

(pre build) Prev-UnitTest-**/* ,InvokeTopLevel-MyMaven - jacoco:report,

(post Build)-Achieve-**/*, next - War, Publish Jacoco coverage report + target/.../coverage.xml


  1. War-

build-3, Days-2, Delete

(pre build) Prev-CodeCoverage-**/* ,InvokeTopLevel-MyMaven - war:war,

(post Build)-Achieve-**/*, next - ToArtifactary



  1. ToArtifactary -

build-3, Days-2, Delete

(pre build) Prev-war- **/* ,InvokeTopLevel-MyMaven - deploy,

(post Build)-Achieve-**/*, next - SmokeTest



  1. SmokeTest-

build-3, Days-2, Delete

(pre build) Prev-war- **/*

(post Build)-Achive-**/*,

Deploy war/ear to the server -  */*.war  ,  /, AddContainer- TOMCAT9 + url +  password (Add from jenkins)



FOR NEW Branch


Changes- POM-name (above<url> line#10), sonar.projectKey


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